
last weekend was all about girl time, coastal vibes, sunshine, and the best part… dancing it all out.

we seriously lucked out on the weather in Monterey. it was still 75 degrees at midnight, with no marine layer the first evening. the next day brought in some fog, but it was refreshing, and much needed. the details of the weekend will be omitted here, because they are a irrelevant for this place. however, the weekend put me in a new place. somewhere I could speak my mind, explain what I have learned, and allowed me to reflect on where I’m at now.

my findings: I know myself better than I thought, and I am confident in who I am right now. I don’t worry about as many things as I thought I did, the small things can kick rocks, because they aren’t worth my time. I am ready to just be me, and not the person imaged that I would be by now.

I can say… I don’t know what my “BIG” picture includes, but I’m at least on the path again, and not across stream lost in the green grass. I know there will be a fork in the road soon, however for the first time in a long time, I at least feel like I am heading the right direction. I could care less to look over my shoulder. It’s just time enjoy the view for a while.